Monson Mayhem

Monson Mayhem

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Props to SJMB IV.

Hurrah for the Monson Family Blog!
We'd like to give special appreciation and glorious praise to Sarah Janelle Monson Blake IV!
(ok, so she's really not the IV, there have not been 3 Sarah Janelle Monson Blakes before here, and even if there were, none could compare,-- and I'm sure none of them have gone to Haw-Vud ).
We're grateful to have this tool to stay connected and share our life adventures together!


Welcome to the Family Blog!

Dear Family,
I just threw this together today, and I added the only picture I had that included [almost] everyone. If anybody has a better classic family photo we should include as the head photo, let's use that.

I invited everyone for whom I had an email address, but all the siblings should send me their kids' email addresses so I can invite them and give them permission to post on the blog, too. Call me if you need me to walk you through the process of posting.
Love you! Happy Blogging to us all!